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 ชื่อเรื่อง Physical examination & healthassessment /Carolyn Jarvis.
 ISBN 9780323809849
 ผู้แต่ง Jarvis, Carolyn
 พิมพลักษณ์ St. Louis : Elsevier/Saunders, 2024
 เลขเรียก WB39 J38P
 ครั้งที่พิมพ์ 9th ed.
 รูปเล่ม vi, 875 p. : col. ill. ; 22 cm.
 หมายเหตุ Contents: The interview and health history
-- Mental status
--Assessment techniques and the clinical setting
-- Thegeneral survey, measurement, vital signs, and painassessment
-- Skin, hair, and nails
-- Head, face, andneck, including regional lymphatics
-- Eyes
-- Ears
--Nose, mouth, and throat
-- Breasts and axillae, includingregional lymphatics
-- Thorax and lungs -- Heart and neckvessels -- Peripheral vascular system and lymphatics --Abdomen -- Musculoskeletal system -- Neurologic system --Male genitourinary system -- Female genitourinary system -- Anus, rectum, and prostate -- Integration of thecomplete physical examination -- Bedside assessment of thehospitalized adult.
 หมายเหตุ Summary: Designed for quick reference in the clinical setting, thisportable companion to the author s Physical Examinationand Health Assessment, 6th Edition summarizes essentialassessment skills and techniques for the most effectivephysical examinations. It provides full-color pathologyphotos and illustrations, health history, examinationsteps for each body system, normal versus abnormalfindings, developmental and cultural competencies,lifespan and cross-cultural considerations, relatednursing diagnoses, and summary checklists. In addition,the Bedside Assessment of the Hospitalized Patient chapteroutlines the pertinent assessment steps specific to thispatient population. New abnormal findings photos help torecognize and distinguish between abnormal conditions.Additional new full-color examination technique photosclarify exam steps for eyes, nose, mouth, throat, thorax,heart, neck, peripheral vascular, and pediatric exams.Updated evidence-based practice guidelines throughout theguide reflect the most current research and assessmentpractices.
 หัวเรื่อง Physical Examination--methods--Handbooks
 หัวเรื่อง Nursing Assessment--Handbooks
 หัวเรื่อง Medical History Taking--Handbooks
 หัวเรื่อง Physical Examination--methods--Nurses Instruction
 หัวเรื่อง Nursing Assessment--Nurses Instruction
 หัวเรื่อง Medical History Taking--Nurses Instruction
 ผู้แต่งร่วม Jarvis, Carolyn. Physical examination and healthassessment. 9th ed.
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ลำดับที่ ประเภท เลขเรียก/บาร์โค้ด สถานที่ สถานะ
1. วิทยาศาสตร์การแพทย์ และสุขภาพ
WB39 J38P ฉ.1 
  Barcode: 011124

    ผู้แต่ง [Jarvis, Carolyn]



  คอมเมนท์: Physical examina..

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