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 ค้นหา ชื่อผู้แต่ง Marilee LeBon.

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 ชื่อเรื่อง Study guide for fundamentals of nursing : he art and science of nursing care / Carol R. Taylor , Carol Lillis , Priscilla LeMone , Pamela Lynn and Marilee LeBon BA.
 ISBN 0781793866 (paperback) 1.99
 ISBN 9780781793865 (paperback)
 ผู้แต่ง Carol R. Taylor
 พิมพลักษณ์ [S.l.] : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2010.
 เลขเรียก WY100 T239s
 ครั้งที่พิมพ์ Seventh ed.
 รูปเล่ม 432 p. ; 28 cm.
 หมายเหตุ Summary: Created in conjunction with Fundamentals of Nursing, Seventh Edition , this Study Guide helps students review and apply concepts from the textbook to prepare for exams as well as nursing practice. Each chapter includes three sections: Practicing for NCLEX& 5533; (containing multiple-choice and alternate-format questions), Developing Your Knowledge Base (including a variety of questions formats such as fill-in-the-blank, matching, and short answer), and Applying Your Knowledge (comprised of critical thinking questions, reflective practice scenarios, and patient care studies). An Answer Key appears at the back of the book.
 หัวเรื่อง fundamentals of nursing
 ผู้แต่งร่วม Carol Lillis MSN
 ผู้แต่งร่วม Priscilla LeMone DSN RN
 ผู้แต่งร่วม Pamela Lynn MSN
 ผู้แต่งร่วม Marilee LeBon.
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